"Pets Together!" is an Ohio Art League exhibition at the Gateway to the Arts at the John Glenn Columbus International Airport, June 5th - August 4th 2024. My gratitude to my sponsors: Columbus City Auditor Megan Kilgore and Client Centric Financial Advisors Founder Kelli Gargasz.
The exhibition celebrates how pets are part of most human families, and are missed when their humans are traveling. The portraits invite airport guests to read the descriptions, learning about the pets’ humans, their contributions to Columbus communities, and the causes they believe in. The disarming friendly faces of the pets encourages all people to pause any preconceived notions they hold and to take a moment to reflect. The pairing of sweet, happy pets with LGBTQ+ people & allies and their causes is primed for a variety of reactions.
The exhibition celebrates how pets are part of most human families, and are missed when their humans are traveling. The portraits invite airport guests to read the descriptions, learning about the pets’ humans, their contributions to Columbus communities, and the causes they believe in. The disarming friendly faces of the pets encourages all people to pause any preconceived notions they hold and to take a moment to reflect. The pairing of sweet, happy pets with LGBTQ+ people & allies and their causes is primed for a variety of reactions.